CareInx helps you find the find care for your little ones. If you are looking for care of newborn infant and mother or for your grown-up kid; CareInx help you find the best.
In home Child and Mother Care
We at CareInx understands the joy of caring for your little ones. Parents always want best for their kids and do not want to compromise on their kids care when they are dedicated towards to making their future secure and pleasant. Care for newborns and kids entails hiring the best possible nanny or a babysitter who can dedicate herself towards the care of the little ones, usually up to an age of 10-12 years but nothing stops the care for kids even beyond this age.
CareInx helps you specify your need in simple way and works based on your inputs to list the best matching people willing for baby care at home. You can have a detailed look at their profiles and feedbacks. You can shortlist the nannies / babysitters and even qualified nurses in case of neonatal care. Talk to them, meet them as per your convenience and if it's mutually beneficial then work out the engagement modalities.
Lookout for the profiles for free and start your search based on the options below... For assistance read below or reach out to us on our helpline numbers.
Options for Baby Care & Kids
Day Care
Night Care
Live-in Care
Neo Natal Nurse
Pediatrician On Call
- Nanny
To Take care of infant's feed, bathing, oiling, and changing wet clothes. Calling a doctor at home in the initial bubbling phase. Helping mother in her diet and massaging her. Lactation support for the first time mothers.
- Babysitter
Want to go back to your professional life without worry of your little one, our baby sitters who are trained to be extremely polite and soft will take care of your baby / toddler at your home in your absence.
- Neo Natal Nurse
Neo natal care specially for babies which are premature or with some specific medical condition like low weight etc. that needs extra care and cannot be handled independently and needs a NICU Nurse or trained Dai.
- Homecare Agency
Hire a Nanny or a Babysitter or a Neo Natal Nurse but along with a company responsible for day to management. It is worth if do not want to be worried about staff leaves or replacements and do not mind spending somewhat extra.
What's the difference between a Nanny and Babysitter?
Nanny and Babysitter both define the roles towards caring for children of someone who hire them. So before you hire any of these care providers, you should understand the difference between both of them in somewhat detail.Nanny
Nanny is usually somebody who get involved in the child's care much more. They usually take end to end care of the kid and gets involved in the housework too. A Nanny is fully engaged in taking care of kid just like a mother and its normal for a nanny to be responsible for the kid even when parent are around. Nanny is supposed to be more skilled and more responsibilities as compared to Nanny.
Babysitter normally takes care of the children for short term or for a short time every day primarily when parents are away to fulfill other commitments. Babysitters usually earn less on and are more often engaged on hourly basis. Babysitter are usually enagaged for toddlers and kids and not for infants.
For how many hours can you hire for baby and mother care?
Based on your convenience and needs, nanny can be hired for full time on live-in basis (live-in nannies). Other option is to engage them on full day basis but they live-out or else on part time basis as a part-time nanny. Hiring them on part time basis does not mean we can say them as babysitters as they will still be more responsible in bringing up the kid in all possible aspects.
In Indian context, it had been a challenge always to find the best nanny or to that matter a babysitter. CareInx helps you get connected with experienced females who specialized in caring for just born infants (japa care). Additionally, their feedback together with they profiles help you build the much needed confidence about their reliability and worthiness.
- 6 Years dedicated towards care
- 4.7+ Care Feedback Score
- 10000+ Patients Served Till Now
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